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IEEE P2418.11


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IEEE P2418.11 IEEE Approved Draft Framework for Use of Distributed Ledger Technology in Security of Electronic Voting (e-Voting) Systems

standard by IEEE, 02/06/2024

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The standard specifies the process and requirements for the framework of e-Voting systems--where the process includes a) use of Distributed Ledger Technology to enhance security of registrations and voting (with electronic or paper ballots), and b) use of real-time audits to detect and resolve suspicious activity, and to summarize validated and suspicious results.


The purpose of the standard is to provide procedures and protocols for Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)-enabled registrations and voting that can help secure the voting process. Secure voting is more than a signature on a voting log or voting envelope that contains a marked voting ballot. Secure voting includes: 1) a registration process that verifies authorized voters, 2) registered voters can authenticate their ballot and confirm their ballot was received and counted as intended without malicious changes, 3) a real-time audit that can detect suspicious activity, and 4) suspicious activity that is confirmed fraud is recorded but not counted with valid votes and is referred to law enforcement.


New IEEE Standard - Active - Draft.e-Voting is an application of modern Web and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for more choices and security in registration and voting. Choices range from voting with anonymous paper ballots and postal mail, to online voting where an electronic ballot can be authenticated that it was received and recorded as intended. For security, DLT-enabled systems: validate sources with cryptographic methods, secure communications with digital signatures, and confirm valid transaction with a transparent ledger. Suspicious transactions are recorded as part of a private real-time audit and database, and e-Voting can be tailored for the local needs and methods of a country or administrative sub-division.