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EIA/TIA-136-230:2000 (R2013)

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EIA/TIA-136-230:2000 (R2013)

TDMA- Third Generation Wireless-Minimum Performance Specifications for US-1 Voice Coder

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This document specifies the test procedures to ensure that non-bit21 exact implementations of TIA/EIA-136-430 compatible full-rate speech codecs operating in CTX or DTX-high meet recommended minimum performance requirements. This document also defines the minimum performance specification for non-bit-exact TIA/EIA-136- 430 CNG implementation operating under channel error free conditions. The speech codec is used to digitally encode the speech signal for transmission at a data rate of 12200 bps or 244 bits every 20 ms. The TIA/EIA-136-430 standard includes a bit-exact specification of the speech codec using a fixed point ANSI C code [Ref. 14,15]. Twenty-eight sets of test sequences are provided along with this standard [Ref. 17]. These test sequences are designed to provide for maximum coverage of the fixed point ANSI C code. There are separate test sequences for testing the encoder and for testing the decoder portions of the TIA/EIA-136-430 standard speech codec. A bit-exact implementation of this standard on a fixed point device would have to 'pass' all of the twenty-eight test sequences for the encoder and the twenty-eight test sequences for the decoder in order to comply with the TIA/EIA-136-430 standard. At the Base Station end, non-bit-exact implementations of the TIA/EIA-136-430 standard are permitted. For such implementations, it may not be possible to generate test vectors that can guarantee compatibility with the standard by using them as input to the speech encoder or decoder and by examining their output for exact replication of the corresponding reference vector. This document describes a series of tests which are used to test conformance to the specification. These tests do not necessarily ensure that the codec operates satisfactorily under all possible input signals and it is still a requirement of the manufacturer to ensure that his implementation operates in a consistent manner. The purpose of these tests is to test for minimum performance levels. The manufacturer should attempt to provide the highest performance possible.

Author EIA/TIA
Editor EIA
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2013-08-14
ICS 33.060.01 : Radiocommunications in general
Number of pages 68
Cross references ANSI/TIA/EIA-136-230 (2000), IDT
Year 2000
Document history
Country USA
Keyword EIA 136;EIA 136.230;EIA/TIA 136;EIA/TIA-136;136;TIA/EIA-136-230;EIA TIA-136-230