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API RP 2030:2014

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API RP 2030:2014

Application of Fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries

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General When addressing loss prevention, an organization should consider the use of fixed fire protection systems, one of which is water spray systems. Water spray systems appear similar to sprinkler systems in some respects; however, the intended uses, applicable Fire Codes and design criteria differ. This publication provides guidance for the petroleum industry and some petrochemical industry applications (for non-water-reactive petrochemicals with physical and combustion characteristics comparable to hydrocarbons) in determining where water spray systems might be used to provide protection from fire damage for equipment and structures. Damage to process equipment and structural steel also can be limited by fireproofing, applying water through manual hose streams or applying water from fixed or mobile monitor nozzles; these methods are covered in API Recommended Practice 2218 Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants, API Recommended Practice 2001 Fire Protection in Refineries and other referenced documents such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Fire Protection Handbook and various NFPA Codes. The specifics of water spray system design, installation and component types are covered in the publications referenced in Section 2, principally NFPA 15, and are not duplicated in this publication. The following other special applications of water spray are outside the scope of this publication: - foam sprinkler systems used to supplement water spray systems and extinguish flammable liquid fires (see NFPA 16 for details); - vapor mitigation systems [which have been used successfully by several major corporations to reduce the potential effects of releases of hazardous materials such as HF acid (see API Recommended Practice 751 for additional information)]; - water curtains used in special situations to minimize radiant heat or disperse hydrocarbon vapors before ignition; - traditional applications of sprinklers in non-process buildings; - water mist systems as described in NFPA 750.

Author API
Editor API
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 13.220.20 : Fire protection
75.020 : Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas
Number of pages 30
Replace API RP 2030 (2005-07)
Year 2014
Document history API RP 2030 (2014-09)
Country USA
Keyword API 2030;2030