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JIS Z 8402-6:1999 (R2014)

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JIS Z 8402-6:1999 (R2014)

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 6: Use in practice of accuracy values

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The purpose of this part of JIS Z 8402 is to give some indications of the way in which accuracy data can be used in various practical situations by: a) giving a standard method of calculating the repeatability limit, the reproducibility limit and other limit to be used in examining the test results obtained by a standard measurement method; b) providing a way of checking the acceptability of test results obtained under repeatability or reproducibility conditions; c) describing how to assess the stability of results within a laboratory over a period of time, and thus providing a method of 'quality control' of the operations within that laboratory; d) describing how to assess whether a given laboratory is able to use a given standard measurement method in a satisfactory way; e) describing how to compare alternative measurement methods.

Author JSA
Editor JSA
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2014-10-20
ICS 17.020 : Metrology and measurement in general
Number of pages 55
Replace JIS Z 8402 (1991)
Cross references ISO 5725-6 (1994-12), IDT
Modified by JIS Z 8402-6/ERRATUM 1 (2009-10-14)
JIS Z 8402-6/ERRATUM 1 (2007-12-14)
JIS Z 8402-6/ERRATUM 1 (2000)
Year 1990
Document history JIS Z 8402-6 (1999-05-20)
Country Japan
Keyword JIS Z 8402;JIS 8402;8402;JIS Z 8402-6-1999