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CII IR324-2 Using Models in Construction: A Planning Guide standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/01/2016
CII RR322-11 Improving Project Progress and Performance Assessment by Using Core Project Control Metrics standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/01/2016
CII RR314a-11 Development of the Project Definition Rating Index for Small Infrastructure Projects standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/01/2016
CII IR326-2 VIRTUOSO: High Performance Virtual Team Equalizer standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/01/2016
CII IR323-2 Premature Start Impact Analysis Tool standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/01/2016
CII RR321-11 Precursor Analysis for the Construction Industry: A Systematic Method for Predicting and Preventing Fatal and Disabling Injuries standard by Construction Industry Institute, 10/01/2016
CII RS326-1 Maximizing Virtual Team Performance in the Construction Industry standard by Construction Industry Institute, 10/01/2016
CII RS323-1 Finding Leading Indicators to Prevent Premature Starts to Construction standard by Construction Industry Institute, 10/01/2016
CII RS321-1 Precursors of High-Impact, Low-Frequency Events, Including Fatalities standard by Construction Industry Institute, 10/01/2016
CII IR321-2 Guide to Precursor Analysis for Construction Fatalities standard by Construction Industry Institute, 10/01/2016
CII RR326-11 Determining Virtual Team Performance in the Construction Industry standard by Construction Industry Institute, 10/01/2016
CII RR324-11 Future Construction Needs of Virtual Design Models standard by Construction Industry Institute, 10/01/2016