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CII SD-50 Cost Effectiveness of Computerization in Design and Construction standard by Construction Industry Institute, 08/01/1989
CII SD-48 Database Development, Labor Supply Information Pilot Study standard by Construction Industry Institute, 07/01/1989
CII SD-49 Anchor Bolt Installation: Phase I standard by Construction Industry Institute, 07/01/1989
CII SD-47 Bar Code Standardization in Industrial Construction standard by Construction Industry Institute, 06/01/1989
CII RS10-2 Measuring the Cost of Quality in Design and Construction standard by Construction Industry Institute, 05/01/1989
CII SD-44 Impact of Risk Allocation and Equity in Construction Contracts standard by Construction Industry Institute, 03/01/1989
CII SD-45 Owner's Project Planning: The Process Approach standard by Construction Industry Institute, 03/01/1989
CII RS10-1 Costs of Quality Deviations in Design and Construction standard by Construction Industry Institute, 01/01/1989
CII SD-43 The Effects of Scheduled Overtime and Shift Schedule on Construction Craft Productivity standard by Construction Industry Institute, 12/01/1988
CII RS5-3 Contract Risk Allocation and Cost Effectiveness standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/02/1988
CII RS6-7 Concepts and Methods of Schedule Compression standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/02/1988
CII RS2-2 Construction Industry Institute Model Plant Update standard by Construction Industry Institute, 11/01/1988