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3A 56-00
Inlet and Outlet Leak-Protector Plug-Type Valves for Milk and Milk Productsstandard by 3-A Sanitary Standards, 05/01/1993
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English Description: These standards cover the sanitary aspects of inlet and outlet leak-protector plug valves for batch pasteurizers, hereinafter called valves, (reference 3-A drawings, numbers 3-A-100 E-1, 3-A-100 E-2, 3-A-100 E-3, 3-A-100 E-4, 3-A-100 E-5, 3-A-100 E-6, 3-A-100 E-7, and 3-A-100 E-8.)
Spanish Description: Estas normas cubren los aspectos sanitarios de valvulas de entrada y salida, tipo tapon, contra fugas para pasteurizadores en lotes, de ahora en adelante llamadas valvulas, (ver dibujos 3-A, Numeros 3-A-100 E-1, 3-A-100 E-2, 3-A-100 E-3, 3-A-100 E-4, 3-A-100 E-5, 3-A-100 E-6, 3-A-100 E-7, y 3-A-100 E-8.)