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X9 X9.93-1-2008 Financial transaction messages -- Electronic benefits transfer (EBT) -- Part 1: Messages standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 10/28/2008
X9 X9.93-2-2008 Financial transaction messages - Electronic benefits transfer (EBT) - Part 2: Files standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 10/24/2008
X9 X9.58-2008 TC Technical Corrigendum to Financial Transaction Messages - Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) - Food Stamps Amendment by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 09/10/2008
X9 X9.110-2008 (R2020) TOLEC - Transfer of Location of Electronic Contracts standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 07/16/2008
X9 X9.93-2008 SET Financial transaction messages -- Electronic benefits transfer (EBT) -- Part 1: Messages and Part 2: Files *** SAVE 10% standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 10/24/2008
X9 X9.102-2008 (R2017) Symmetric Key Cryptography For the Financial Services Industry - Wrapping of Keys and Associated Data standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 06/01/2008
X9 TR 100-2007 [ Withdrawn ] Organization of Standards for Paper-based and image-based Check Payments -- Part 1: Organization of Standards; Part 2: Definitions used in Standards standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 02/13/2008
X9 X9.93-1-2007 [ Withdrawn ] Financial transaction messages -- Electronic benefits transfer (EBT) -- Part 1: Messages standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/21/2007
X9 X9.93-2-2007 [ Withdrawn ] Financial transaction messages - Electronic benefits transfer (EBT) - Part 2: Files standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/19/2007
X9 DTSU X9.100-172 SET Specifications for the Validation of ICSF, Parts 1-4 -- Save 10% standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/01/2007
X9 DTSU X9.100-172-4-2007 Specifications for the Validation of ICSF, Part 4: Application and Registration Policies and Process standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/01/2007
X9 DTSU X9.100-172-3-2007 Specifications for the Validation of ICSF, Part 3: Message Definitions standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/01/2007