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X9 X9.131-2015 Financial transaction messages - Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) - WIC retailer interface standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 03/24/2015
X9 X9.100-181-2014 (R2021) Specifications for TIFF Image Format for Image Exchange standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/22/2014
X9 X9.100-160-2-2014 Magnetic Ink Printing (MICR) Part 2: EPC Field Use standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 11/24/2014
X9 X9.112-2-2014 Wireless Management and Security Part 2: ATM and POS standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 10/24/2014
X9 X9 TR-43-2014 Remittance Glossary - A Publication of the Remittance Coalition standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 04/15/2014
X9 ASC X9 TR 42-2014 Core Adjustment Reason Codes standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 03/02/2014
X9 X9.93-2-2014 Financial transaction messages - Electronic benefits transfer (EBT) - Part 2: Files standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 02/06/2014
X9 X9.93-1-2014 Financial transaction messages - Electronic benefits transfer (EBT) - Part 1: Messages standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 02/06/2014
X9 X9 TR-44-2013 Remittance Standards Inventory A Publication of the Remittance Coalition standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/20/2013
X9 TR 44-2013 Remittance Standards Inventory A Publication of the Remittance Coalition standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 12/20/2013
X9 ASC X9 TR 100-2013 Organization of Check-related Payments Standards Payments Standards Part 1: Organization of Standards - Part 2: Definitions used in Standards standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 11/28/2013
X9 X9.58-2013 Financial Transaction Messages - Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) - Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and cash benefit programs standard by Accredited Standards Committee X9 Incorporated, 06/26/2013