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ANSI C12.6-1987 (R2002, R2012, R2016) American National Standard for Phase-Shifting Devices Used In Metering, Marking and Arrangement of Terminals standard by American National Standards Institute, 05/01/1987
ANSI B93.75M-1987 [ Withdrawn ] Hydraulic Fluid Power - Cylinder Parts - SAE Straight - NOW DISCONTINUED. REPLACED BY NFPA T3.6.54 standard by American National Standards Institute, 03/18/1987
ANSI C37.72-1987 [ Withdrawn ] Manually Operated, Dead Front Padmounted Switchgear With Load Interrupting Switches and Separable Connectors for Alternating Current Systems standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI Z86.7.1 Underwater Safety - Low-Pressure Hose Assemblies Connecting First and Second Stages on Scuba- Diving Regulators - Design and Minimum Performance Requirements standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI PH1.42-69(R1987) Comparing the Color Stabilities of Photographs, Method for standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI C37.33-1987 [ Withdrawn ] Switchgear - High Voltage Air Switches - Rated Control Voltages and Their Ranges standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI N15.22-1987 Plutonium - Bearing Solids - Calibration Techniques for Calorimetric Assay standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI B93.105-87(R94) Hydraulic Fluid Power-Single Rod Cylinder, 160 Bar (16 MPa) Medium & 250 Bar (25 MPa) Series Tolerances standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI B93.104-87(R94) Hydraulic Fluid Power-Single Rod Cylinders, 160 Bar standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI MH14.1-1987 [ Withdrawn ] Loading Dock Levelors and Dockboards - WITHDRAWN standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI B93.114M-1987 [ Withdrawn ] Pneumatic Fluid Power - Systems Standard for Industrial Machinery standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1987
ANSI PH4.8 RESIDUAL THIOSULFATE AND OTHER CHEMICALS IN FILMS standard by American National Standards Institute, 12/01/1986