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GB/T 25767:2010 Rolling bearings - Tapered rollers
GB 50057-2010 Design Code for Protection of Structures against Lightning (English Version)
GB 50151-2010 Code for design of foam extinguishing systems
GB/T 50549-2010 Coding standard for power plant identification system (English Version)
GB 50011-2010 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings
GBZ 230-2010 Classification for hazards of occupational exposure to toxicant
GB/T 18655-2010 Vehicles boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of on-board receivers
GB/T 15115-2009 Die casting aluminum alloys (English Version)
GB/T 24607-2009 Rolling bearings—Test and assessment for life and reliability (English Version)
GB/T 24608-2009 Inspection rules for rolling bearings and commercial parts
GB/T 24610.2-2009 Rolling bearings—Measuring methods for vibration—Part 2:Radial ball bearings with cylindrical bore and outside surface (English Version)
GB/T 24610.1-2009 Rolling bearings—Measuring methods for vibration—Part 1:Fundamentals (English Version)