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API Spec 11D1 Addendum 1 Addendum 1 to Packers and Bridge Plugs, Fourth Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API TR 522 Technical Report on Pressure-relief System Calculations, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API Std 20J Qualification of Distributors of Metallic Materials for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Second Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API MPMS Chapter 19.3, Part H Specification for Establishing Evaporative Loss Factors for Floating-roof Tank Devices Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API RP 17Y Recommended Practice for Design, Testing, and Qualification of Subsea Chemical Injection Delivery Systems, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API Spec 15S Spoolable Reinforced Plastic Line Pipe, Third Edition, Includes Addendum 1 (2023) standard by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API MPMS Chapter 4.9.1 Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 4.9.1, Introduction to the Determination of the Volume of Displacement and Tank Provers, Second Edition Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API Spec 6D Errata 2 Errata to Specification for Valves, Twenty-Fifth Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API Std 617 Datasheets Datasheets for API Standard 617, Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander-compressors, Ninth Edition Data Sheet by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2022
API Std 614 Datasheets Datasheets for API Standard 614, Lubrication Shaft-Sealing and Control-Oil Systems for Special-Purpose Applications, 6th Edition Data Sheet by American Petroleum Institute, 03/01/2022
API RP 2009 Safe Welding, Cutting, and Hot Work Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries, Eighth Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 03/01/2022
API Spec 7HU2 Errata 1 Errata to Oilfield Hammer Unions, First Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 03/01/2022