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ITU-T M.330 Numbering of groups within a supergroup
ITU-T M.340 Numbering of supergroups within a mastergroup
ITU-T M.350 Numbering of mastergroups within a supermastergroup
ITU-T M.390 Numbering in systems on symmetric pair cable
ITU-T M.410 Numbering of digital blocks in transmission systems
ITU-T M.400 Numbering in radio-relay links or open-wire line systems
ITU-T M.450 Bringing a new international transmission system into service
ITU-T M.460 Bringing international group, supergroup, etc., links into service
ITU-T M.470 Setting up and lining up analogue channels for international telecommunication services
ITU-T M.475 Setting up and lining up mixed analogue/digital channels for international telecommunication services