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NF U47-004 (04/2009) Animal health analysis method - Detection of antibodies against Brucellosis by the Complement Fixation Test - Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale
NF U47-003 (04/2009) Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Brucellosis by the Rose-Bengal Plate Test - Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale
NF X35-115 (04/2009) Ergonomics - Design process centred on the human operator - Ergonomie
NF V08-060 (04/2009) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Enumeration of thermotolerant coliforms by colony-count technique at 44 °C - Microbiologie des aliments
NF V08-054 (04/2009) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Enumeration of presumptive enterobacteria by colony count technique at 30 °C or 37 °C - Microbiologie des aliments
NF V08-050 (04/2009) Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Enumeration of presumptive coliforms by colony-count technique at 30 °C - Microbiologie des aliments
NF U44-001 (04/2009) (R2014) Liming materials - Types and specifications - Amendements minéraux basiques
NF Z42-013 (03/2009) Electronic archival storage - Specifications relative to the design and operation of information processing systems in view of ensuring the storage and integrity of the recordings stored in these systems - Archivage électronique
NF T70-540 (03/2009) Energetic materials for defence - Safety, vulnerability - Electrostatic discharges sensitivity test SNPE apparatus - Matériaux énergétiques de défense
NF P94-282 (03/2009) Geotechnical design - Retaining structures - Embedded walls - Calcul géotechnique
NF V45-008 (03/2009) Processed fish - Method for enumeration of low level contamination Listeria monocytogenes in smoked salmon and trout - Poissons transformés
NF X30-437 (03/2009) (R2014) Household and related refuse - Constitution and characterisation, on entering sorting centres of a sample out of a batch of selectively collected household and related refuse - Déchets ménagers et assimilés