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NF U47-107 (12/2012) Animal health analysis methods - Guidelines for conducting antibiograms using the diffusion method in an agar medium - Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale
NF X50-141-4 (12/2012) Customer-supplier relations - Quality of demonstrations (tests, calculations, simulations, etc.) - Part 4 : guidelines for confirming the appropriateness between demonstration report and need - Relations clients-fournisseurs
NF M60-822-1 (12/2012) Nuclear energy - Radioactivity measurement in gaseous effluents - Determination of tritium and C14 activity in gaseous effluents and gas discharge - Part 1 : sampling of tritium and C14 in gaseous effluents - Énergie nucléaire
NF M60-825 (12/2012) Nuclear energy - Radioactivity measurement in gaseous and liquid effluents - Sampling of liquid effluents in a vessel or a discharge channel - Énergie nucléaire
NF V45-065 (12/2012) Processed products from fisheries and aquaculture - Smoked salmon - Produits transformés issus de la pêche et de l'aquaculture
NF U47-008 (12/2012) Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Ovine epididymitis by the Complement Fixation Test - Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale
NF X30-418 (12/2012) Waste - Determination of the vertical permeability coefficient of a land using the open-type double-ring infiltrometer test - Déchets
NF F19-201 (12/2012) Railway rolling stock - Paint materials and marks - General instructions and tests methods - Matériel roulant ferroviaire
NF D60-020 (11/2012) Domestic furniture - Information to be supplied with 'consumer-mounted' furniture - Requirements and recommendations - Ameublement domestique
NF D60-300-4 (11/2012) Children's furniture - For domestic use - Part 4 : requirements and test methods for toddler beds - Mobilier d'enfant
NF A05-301 (11/2012) Aluminium alloys - Stress corrosion cracking of thick products - Alliages d'aluminium
NF S62-201 (11/2012) Fire fighting equipment - Fire hose reel - Installation and maintenance requirements